WCPS-400-SP1™ Repositionable On-Floor Wireless Charging Protection System

The WCPS-400-SP1™ is our on-floor, single panel, portable, repositionable wireless charging protection system for the PULS/Wiferion® etaLINK 3000™ and CW1000™ wireless charging systems. Designed to work almost anywhere, the WCPS-400-SP1 is built on the same heavy duty stainless steel construction as the WCPS-Ramp and is the ideal solution for AGVs & AMRs that have a higher ground clearance and installations where additional positioning flexibility is required. The SP1 can be placed directly on the floor and secured using the included floor connector plates. Additionally, if the charging coil needs to be approached from all sides, the cable can be protected using the same in-floor channel system as the WCPS-R-3013.

The WCPS-400-SP1™ is a safe, industry ready solution for protecting AGV, AMR, EV & Robotics wireless charging systems in manufacturing, logistics, laboratories, clean rooms and warehouses.

The WCPS-400-SP1 Advantage

  • Safe, Secure, Work-Flow Optimized
  • Deploys in minutes
  • Easy Installation and Set Up
  • Repositionable
  • Non-Permanent, Non-Invasive Installation
  • Bfl-S1 Fire Protection Rating
  • ISO3 Certified

WCPS-400-SP1™ is industry ready, flexible, scalable, serious protection for the etaLINK 3000™ and CW1000™ inductive wireless charging system from PULS/Wiferion. The WCPS-400-SP1 can be used as a stand-alone solution or in conjunction with other floor-mounted or vertically mounted charging solutions, combining optimum usability while remaining flexible to future charging technologies.

Need More Information?

Jordahl USA
North American Account Manager

Blaine Transue
Mobile/Text/VM: +1-760-750-2205
Office Direct: +1-760-656-3937
Corp Main: +1-866-332-6687

